Different Components of Routers
What are the different components of router?
There are two types of components used in routers;
- Internal Components
- External Components
- Internal components
a) Motherboard:
Motherboard is one of most important part of the router. A router has many components, each with their own roles and functions. The role of the motherboard is to allow all these components to communicate with each other.And it is also used to check the all component running or not.
b) Processor:
Processor is used for to process the data and instructions. There are two vendors provide the processor to the router.
1.Motorola 860
c) Read Only Memory (ROM):
Rom is to store bootstrap details, operating system software. ROM contain POST, Bootstrap program, Mini IOS, Configuration register etc.
- POST (Power on self test): When a router is powered on, the bootstrap runs a hardware diagnostic called POST (Power-On Self Test). And it is also used for to check the functionality of required components
- Bootstrap Program: If the POST complete successfully, after the bootstrap program is responsible to locate and load the IOS stored in flash memory.
- Mini IOS: It is compress version of of IOS (Internetwork Operating System).It is stored in ROM.
- Configuration register: It is used to stored the configuration register value.for example by using 0x2101 you can load the mini IOS in ROM. 0x2102-0x210F this configuration register value range is used for loading the IOS in flash memory.
Used to store the Routing tables, configuration files, caching and buffering details. Content is lost when lost router is switched off or restarted.
e) Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM):
NVRAM stored the configuration after the rebooting. In NVRAM there is no configuration will automatically saved, it saved manually.
g) Flash memory:
Holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.
g) Flash memory:
Holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.
2. External components
a) Virtual terminals:
Virtual terminals are logical connections from the network to the router; these are typically telnet or relogin connections.
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